Sunday, October 23, 2011


Have you ever seen a cotton field up close and personal? Me neither, and it was something I wanted to see/capture before we left the South (assuming that we will next fall). There is something about a cotton field that is so surreal and mesmerizing to me. Harvest was quickly approaching so Meg filled me in on some good fields she has passed. Scott and I grabbed Jay and drug him and his family out to capture the cotton fields of Tennessee.

Here's some of the shots we got. I love them!

The cotton boils are so soft, just like a cotton ball. That may seem obvious, but I expected it to be much more coarse and then become softer as it was processed. I tore down some cotton branches (or whatever the technical term is for them) and took them home. I vowed to pay full price on my next "made from cotton" purchase :)

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