Sunday, February 7, 2010


Oh yeah, these things don't write themselves....

Well, to update, we are happily "settled" in Collierville! I say "settled" because apartment life never really feels settled, just so temporary. Everything feels borrowed and used (which it is!). I'm sure it will get better as we start to get our own furniture and pass on all of the donated items we have. Don't get me wrong, we are very grateful for them and they have served us well for the past 2 or so years, but I am so anxious to get my own and in my own style/colors etc.

Our ward is great and we have had great opportunities to socialize with couples and families that we met over the summer. It's nice to move somewhere and already have friends! We have been called to teach Sunday School- 14 & 15 year olds. It is hard. I wish I was back in Primary. (Or just sliding under the radar....)

We have been enjoying the warmer weather, even though everyone keeps saying how cold it is! The night we arrived and signed into our lease the leasing agent was wearing a full length down jacket, while we were enjoying ourselves in our long sleeved t-shirts! We witnessed our first ice storm that, besides the damage it caused for a lot of people, is quite pretty. The ice is so thick on the trees that it looks like a winter wonderland scene from a movie. They say February is the coldest month of the year, and so far I would say the temperature has dropped, but it is still NOTHING like we are used to! I know that I am getting used to it quickly when I call home and tell mum "how cold it was today". She reminds me that it is all relative and it is 30 below at home!!

Scott had a great interview at Morgan Keegan last Friday and we are crossing our fingers and sending up prayers that all will go well in the next couple weeks. It would be a great opportunity for him, and just great overall for him to be back working. He is getting bored and anxious! I have to keep reminding myself that most people are out of jobs for months, not just weeks. Hopefully I don't have know what that feels like...

I am an awful at remembering my camera, so as I get better at this blogging thing, I'll start reminding my self about pictures. Start small.

I will now leave you and attend to my Martha magazine which has magically appeared at my door, with my name on it! I'm pretty sure I know who the secret giver is, she is probably reading this, and I am very grateful! My mind is already filled with great project ideas...

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