Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Meet My Friend

The last couple days have been quite cool here in Memphis, so we have enjoyed nights with the windows open instead of the A/C on.

So I woke up yesterday morning (after Scott had already left) and I heard a bird in the living room. It was so loud. I thought it was really inside the house. Our fireplace is kind of random/sketchy and I wouldn't be shocked if there were birds living in there...

Anyway, I came out to the living room and this is what I found.

He (or she) was just sitting on the window ledge singing away. It wasn't chirping, but rather that gulp/cry sound some birds make (does anyone know to what I am referring!?).

He didn't last long and soon took off to be with his other friends. Dang it, I hate it when that happens!


  1. Was it a pigeon or something better? Chirping sounds like it might be somewhat relaxing, gulping and crying sounds more like a death cry...not so relaxing...ha ha..

  2. I think it was something better, but I'm not a bird person so I don't know. It looked too white and too small to be a Pigeon though...who knows!! It was more like a death cry. Just glad I didn't have to reenact "Birds", the movie :)

  3. It's a Dove!! and you should have shot it
