Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Montana 2010

This year we had a "family reunion". We don't do them often, nor do we plan them as such, but this year everyone ended up at the family condo just outside Whitefish, Montana. From July 31-August 7 we played on the lake, in the pool, at the condo and on the golf course (some of us). All were in attendance except for Chad and the kids, and we missed them.

First, the getting there. We had a 3 hour or so layover in Minneapolis so Scott decided it would be a good time-killer to ride the tram. It was stinky like sweat but it did the job of killing time. 

The Minneapolis Airport is fully stocked with shopping and eating. I had amazing garlic knots and Stromboli at a pizza place for lunch (fresh garlic!) and then we walked the "mall" (before our tram riding, that is). When Scott saw the Boss store he said "just in case Jared decided to travel to Minneapolis". Jared does wear a lot of Hugo Boss....

Speaking of Jared and they are, all ready to go to Church. 

We spend almost all days out at the lake, about 20 miles or so from the condo. The condo has a large cabin/beach area on the lake for its residents, so it was a nice place to hang out. The weather was great the whole time, only raining/being cold on a couple mornings and late evenings when we were inside anyways.

Kira loved playing at the lake and pool!

There is a Dairy Queen just a min or two from the condo that closes at 10. We went most nights at 9:45. It's tradition and they (DQ) hate it. 

One night we went after being at the lake. They wouldn't let Jordan in without a shirt and all we had in the car was a towel. Apparently that's enough for DQ!

Scott, dad, Jordan, Jared and Grandpa did some golfing. This is the view of the golf course our the back patio door. They golfed this course a few times and another one in town.

It was so fun to have everyone together and back at the condo. We used to go all the time when we were younger, but we have been going elsewhere in the past several summers. It was so fun to get back there!

Grandma, Grandpa and I hiked down Big Mountain (Whitefish Mountain) while we were there. Those pictures will come in another post!

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